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「在场进化」—— 栖城设计 舟山市“小岛你好”公共建筑国际竞赛方案

the result of "hello island" international design competition which organized by the zhoushan government has been announced recently. gn architects has won 5 firsts in 8 events in 2 tracks of public architecture and art installation design. the two projects that won the first place in the public building design competition were the sunlight theater and the dime market.


oct 10,2023/

「时空耦合」—— 栖城设计“小岛你好”艺术装置设计国际竞赛一等奖方案

"hello island" international design competition is organized by the zhoushan government. there are two two major tracks including public building design and artistic decoration design. gn architects has won the first prize in the art installation track.


oct 10,2023/

awards | 2023年《财富》中国最佳设计榜发布,栖城作品入选

2023 fortune best designs was officially released recently, with 50 design ideas included in the list, covering various fields such as goods, architecture, services, algorithms, and public welfare projects. gn architects architecture design work "joyful community, shanghai" was awarded this honor. it is reported that a total of 7 architectural design projects have been listed this year.


sep 09,2023/

栖城news | 安宁病房,不一样的课程设计终期评图

on june 28th, an exhibition and joint evaluation of the design achievements of hospice wards was held in shanghai zhongshan street health service center. the joint evaluation team members included mr. guan yiqun (the director and partner of gn architects), and prof. wang hongjiang and assoc. prof. chen yan (from siva), and mr. xie anqi (vice dean of zhongshan street health service center), and others.


jul 07,2023/

栖城news | 栖城设计沈利江受邀出席上海建筑学会论坛并发表主题演讲

recently, the forum on "design innovation and reflection on the new era architectural skin" jointly organized by the architectural society of shanghai china and the "architectural practice" magazine was successfully held in shanghai. mr. shen lijiang, director and partner of gn architects, was invited to attend and deliver a keynote speech titled "skin emotions".


jul 07,2023/

栖城news | 中标鄂尔多斯零碳产业园区智能化信息服务中心及配套设施建设项目

recently, gn architects and bcci jointly won the bid for the intelligent service center and park supporting facilities project for the zero carbon industry in ordos. as the leader of the consortium, gn architects is responsible for the design of architectural schemes, preliminary design of architectural disciplines, curtain wall and floodlighting consulting, and other related tasks.


jul 07,2023/

栖城news | 普惠型养老实践|黄桥街道区域性养老服务中心正式开工

on june 30th, the centralized signing and commencement ceremony for the second quarter major industrial projects in huangqiao street, xiangcheng district, suzhou city was successfully held, and the inclusive regional elderly care service center project designed by gn architects began construction smoothly.


jul 07,2023/

news | gn栖城设计管轶群受邀担任wan awards国际评委

at the invitation of wan awards, mr. guan yiqun, the director and partner of gn architects, will serve as the international judge of this competition. together with other professional international judges, he will conduct a cautious and professional evaluation of various categories of works participating in this competition.

应全球知名建筑设计奖项wan awards(世界建筑新闻奖)主办方邀请,gn栖城设计董事合伙人管轶群先生将担任本届大赛国际评委,与其他专业国际评委一起,对本届参赛的各类别作品展开审慎且专业的评审工作。

jul 07,2023/
