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项目进展 | 与时舒卷,2022的栖城设计

gn architects has always been paying attention to sociality, modernity and artistry, solving problems with design and creating a better life. in 2002, we continued to promote new projects, deeply launched new cooperation and constantly made new progress.


dec 12,2022/

媒体发表与活动分享 | 与时舒卷,2022的栖城设计

in 2022, our project has been published in well-known media at home and abroad for many times and has received professional recognition; at the same time, we actively participated in academic exchanges and forum lectures, and kept speaking and sharing.


dec 12,2022/

荣誉与奖项 | 与时舒卷,2022的栖城设计

in the turbulent era, the design works of gn architects won many domestic and international design awards and honors in 2022. at the same time, the company also won the title of the wan awards global firm of the year award, and was selected as the top 5 of architizer a awards annual public architecture firm of the year in the same year.

在震荡的时代风波中,栖城设计作品于2022年荣获多个国内外设计奖项与荣誉,同时公司亦摘得wan awards全球年度事务所大奖桂冠,同年入选architizer a awards年度公共建筑类最佳事务所 top 5。

dec 12,2022/

奖讯 | gn栖城设计多项作品获the plan award 2022 设计大奖

recently, three works of gn architects won the 2022 the plan awards, of which two healthcare projects are the only two chinese projects among eight global award-winning projects of health category.

近期,gn栖城设计3项作品斩获2022 the plan awards设计大奖,其中2个康养项目是本届health类别全球8个获奖项目中唯二的中国项目。

dec 12,2022/

news | 栖城设计崔恒轩入选ad100 young 2022中国最具影响力建筑和室内设计新锐

on november 28, ad magazine has announced the selection results of ad100 young 2022, china's most influential architectural and interior design innovators. cui hengxuan, the chief architect of gn architects, was selected successfully.

11月28日,《安邸ad》正式揭晓ad100 young 2022中国最具影响力建筑和室内设计新锐评选结果,栖城设计主创建筑师崔恒轩成功入选。

dec 12,2022/

2022 wan awards 世界建筑新闻奖将本年度最佳事务所授予gn栖城设计

november 17 to 18, the selection results of 2022 uk wan awards were officially released in london. one year after the turn of the year, the architect/practice of the year was awarded the design of gn habitat in recognition of its positive attempts and achievements in the fields of specialization, innovation and research.

11月17~18日,2022英国wan awards评选结果在伦敦正式发布,年度最佳事务所大奖(architect / practice of the year)在轮空一年后,被授予gn栖城设计,以表彰其在专业化、创新和研究领域的积极尝试与成就。

nov 11,2022/

获奖 | gn栖城设计作品荣获 2022 wan awards 康养类建成作品 金奖

the selection results of 2022 uk wan awards were officially announced in london on 11/17~18, and taikang shen garden won the healthcare gold. since the joyful community town project, which won the gold prize of wan in 2021, this is the second time in a row that the work by gn architects won the gold medal of wan awards.

2022英国wan awards评选结果于11/17~18在伦敦正式揭晓,gn栖城设计作品泰康之家·沈园(taikang shen garden)荣获康养类建成作品金奖(healthcare gold)。这是自2021年上海新发展康养小镇(joyful healthcare community center)后,栖城作品连续2年获得wan awards的康养类项目金奖。

nov 11,2022/

news | 栖城设计董事合伙人沈利江受邀参加sds×ued可持续设计峰会

shen lijiang was invited to participate in the series of online seminars of the sustainable design summit jointly planned by the magazine ued and the 2022 sds, ande interpreted the theme of "climate changes everything" with the well-known green building experts, architects and scholars in the industry.


aug 08,2022/
